Integrating React Router in a React Project

React Router is a powerful library for routing in React applications. It allows developers to build single-page applications (SPAs) with dynamic navigation and routing capabilities, enabling the display of different components or views based on the current URL. In this post, I will cover how to integrate React Router in a React project.

Create the React App

npm create vite@latest . -- --template react-ts
npm install

Installing React Router

npm install react-router@latest --save

Add MainLayout and Sidebar


import Sidebar from "./Sidebar.tsx";  
import {Outlet} from "react-router";

function MainLayout() {
return (
<div style={{display: 'flex', minHeight: '100vh'}}>
<div style={{flex: 1, padding: '20px'}}> {/* Main content area */}

export default MainLayout;


import {NavLink} from "react-router";  
import {useEffect, useState} from "react";

async function fetchMenuItems() {
// Mock API
return [
{title: 'Home', path: '/'},
{title: 'About', path: '/about'},
{title: 'Contact', path: '/contact'},

function Sidebar() {
const [menuItems, setMenuItems] = useState<{ title: string; path: string }[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
const getMenuItems = async () => {
const items = await fetchMenuItems();
}, []);
return (
<nav style={{width: '250px', background: '#282c34', color: 'white', padding: '20px',}}>
<ul style={{listStyleType: 'none', padding: 0}}>
{, index) => (
<li key={index} style={{padding: '10px 0'}}>
<NavLink to={item.path} style={{color: 'white', textDecoration: 'none'}}>{item.title}</NavLink>

export default Sidebar;

Add Home, About, and Login pages


function Home() {  
return <h2>Home Page</h2>;

export default Home;


function About() {  
return <h2>About Page</h2>;

export default About;


function Login() {  
return <h2>Login Page</h2>;

export default Login;

Write the App.tsx


import {BrowserRouter, Navigate, Route, Routes} from "react-router";  
import MainLayout from "./layouts/MainLayout.tsx";
import Home from "./pages/Home.tsx";
import About from "./pages/About.tsx";
import Login from "./pages/Login.tsx";

function App() {
return (
<Route path="/" element={<MainLayout/>}>
<Route index element={<Home/>}/>
<Route key="about" path="/about" element={<About/>}/>
{/*If API call response 401, redirect to login page*/}
<Route key="login" path="/login" element={<Login/>}/>
{/* Catch-all route for undefined routes */}
<Route key="*" path="*" element={<Navigate to="/" replace/>}/>

export default App;

Running the project

npm run dev

Visiting the project http://localhost:5173/