Integrating Third Party APIs in a Spring Boot Application

Test APIs in Your Local Environment

Before integrating third-party APIs in your web application, it’s better to test the APIs with an API tool like Postman to ensure the APIs work properly in your local environment. It can also let you get familiar with the APIs.

Add API Configurations to Your Project

There are some common configurations of third-party APIs you need to add to your project. For example, authorization information (appId, appSecret), API URL prefix, and so on.

Add Configurations

Add the configurations to your spring boot configuration file application.yaml:


Define the Configuration Bean

Add a spring bean to receive the configurations:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "thirdParty.yourThirdPartyName")
public class YourThirdPartyConfig {
protected String appId;
protected String appSecret;
protected String apiBaseUrl;

You can access the configurations by @Autowired it

private YourThirdPartyConfig yourThirdPartyConfig;
String appId = yourThirdPartyConfig.appId;
String appSecret = yourThirdPartyConfig.appSecret;
String apiBaseUrl = yourThirdPartyConfig.apiBaseUrl;

Define Response Code

public class YourThirdPartyErrorCode {  
public static final Integer SUCCESS = 0;
public static final Integer INVALID_APPID = 1;
public static final Integer INVALID_TOKEN = 2;

Define API URLs

public class YourThirdPartyApiUrl {
public static class Module1 {
public static final String xxx_URL = "";

public static class Module2 {
public static final String xxx_URL = "";

Define Base Service

public abstract class YourThirdPartyBaseService {
protected final YourThirdPartyConfig yourThirdPartyConfig;

private final RestTemplate restTemplate;

public ObjectNode getRequest(String url, MultiValueMap params) throws IOException {
UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(
yourThirdPartyConfig.apiBaseUrl + url)
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.getForEntity(uriBuilder.toUriString(), String.class);
if (response.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful()) {
ObjectNode jsonObject = JacksonJsonUtil.jsonStrToJsonObject(response.getBody());
if (YourThirdPartyErrorCode.SUCCESS.equals(jsonObject.get("code").asInt())) {
return jsonObject;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get access token: " + jsonObject.get("message").asText());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get access token: HTTP error code " + response.getStatusCodeValue());

Get and Cache Access Token

public class YourThirdPartyTokenService extends YourThirdPartyBaseService {
public static final String KEY_ACCESS_TOKEN = "yourThirdParty:%s:access_token";
private final YourThirdPartyConfig yourThirdPartyConfig;
private final RestTemplate restTemplate;
private final RedisUtil redisUtil;

public String getAccessToken() throws IOException {
return getAccessToken(yourThirdPartyConfig.appId, yourThirdPartyConfig.appSecret);

public String getAccessToken(String appId, String appSecret) throws IOException {
String accessToken = getAccessTokenFromCache(appId);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(accessToken)) {
log.debug("get access_token from redis: {}", accessToken);
return accessToken;
log.debug("get access_token from API");
ObjectNode jsonObject = getTokenInfoFromApi(appId, appSecret);
setTokenToCache(jsonObject, appId);
return jsonObject.get("accessToken").asText();

private String getAccessTokenFromCache(String appId) {
return redisUtil.get(String.format(KEY_ACCESS_TOKEN, appId), 0);

private void setTokenToCache(ObjectNode jsonObject, String appId) {
String accessToken = jsonObject.get("result").get("accessToken").asText();
Integer expiresIn = jsonObject.get("result").get("expires").asInt();
redisUtil.set(String.format(KEY_ACCESS_TOKEN, appId), accessToken, 0, "nx", "ex", expiresIn - 60);

public ObjectNode getTokenInfoFromApi(String appId, String appSecret) throws IOException {
MultiValueMap<String, String> params = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
params.put("appId", Arrays.asList(apiKey));
params.put("appSecret", Arrays.asList(secretKey));
return super.getRequest(YourThirdPartyApiUrl.Token.GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, params);

Write Code

Define the API Interfaces

Here we use the example of the social login API service to demonstrate.

public interface SocialLoginService {
JSONObject func1(JSONObject params);
JSONObject func2(JSONObject params);
// More functions...

Why use JSONObject as parameters and return types of methods of the interface?

Different third-party API service platforms have different data structures. The parameters and return types of methods need to be extensible.

Define Constants

Keys for API parameters

public class Auth0Key {
public static final String CODE = "code";
public static final String MSG = "msg";
public static final String USER_NAME = "user_name";

API request URIs

public class Auth0Url {
public static final String LOGIN = "/login";
public static final String GET_USER_INFO = "/user/getInfo";
// More URLs ...

Write the API Implementing Class

public class Auth0SocialLoginService implements SocialLoginService {
private Auth0Config auth0Config;

public JSONObject func1(JSONObject params) {
public JSONObject func2(JSONObject params) {

Common third-party APIs and their class names

API Service Interface Name Implementation Name
Cloud Object Storage COSService AwsCOSService
Push Notification APIs PushNotificationService OneSignalPushService
Social Media Login APIs SocialLoginService Auth0SocialLoginService

Write Parameter Builders and Result Handlers

Parameter builders

public interface SocialLoginParamBuilder {
JSONObject getFunc1Param(Xxx entity);
JSONObject getFunc2Param(Xxx entity);
public class Auth0SocialLoginParamBuilder implements SocialLoginParamBuilder {
JSONObject getFunc1Param(Xxx entity) {...}
JSONObject getFunc2Param(Xxx entity) {...}

Result handlers

public interface SocialLoginResultHandler {
Vo handleFunc1Result(JSONObject result);
Vo handleFunc2Result(JSONObject result);
public class Auth0SocialLoginResultHandler implements SocialLoginResultHandler {
Vo handleFunc1Result(JSONObject result) {...}
Vo handleFunc2Result(JSONObject result) {...}

Use Your Interface

private SocialLoginService socialLoginService;
// or
private SocialLoginService auth0SocialLoginService; // The SocialLoginService object name must same as the implementing class name and the first character should be lowercase.

private SocialLoginParamBuilder socialLoginParamBuilder;

private SocialLoginResultHandler socialLoginResultHandler;
JSONObject params = auth0SocialLoginParamBuilder.getFunc1Param(entity);
JSONObject result = auth0SocialLoginService.func1(params);
Vo vo = auth0SocialLoginResultHandler.handleFunc1Result(result);